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About ariantiss Structure Retrofitting Company:

In our country, retrofitting companies have recently emerged and by gathering experienced engineers and technicians in this field, they have started designing and implementing retrofitting of structures and buildings in the country. Despite the fact that the responsibility of carrying out the study and implementation of retrofitting is a heavy task, and there are many technical and operational departments during the design and implementation of retrofitting operations, therefore, retrofitting companies are usually in the form of design and implementation companies (E.P.C.). )

 and all operations from the beginning to the end including:

inspection, sampling, sounding, performing the required tests until the preparation of as-built plans, as well as the study and design of the first and second phases of retrofitting, were carried out by the retrofitting companies and In the implementation section of the retrofitting plan, if the employer wishes, they will also undertake its implementation. ariantiss structure retrofitting company is not exempted from this and carries out retrofitting projects in the whole country as an implementation plan (EPC). With 23 years of experience in the design and implementation of the retrofitting of old structures and buildings, this company is the leader in this technical and civil sector, and with its excellent technical and scientific staff, as well as equipment and inspection devices for all matters related to the retrofitting it does the whole process itself. If the respected employers want to study and review the work records of this company, the resume is presented on ariantiss website.

Some reasons to choose ariantiss company for retrofitting your structure:

 1- ariantiss company is one of the oldest companies in the field of building retrofit design and implementation.  With more than 23 years of experience in retrofitting of structure , this company has a collection of all kinds of small and large projects in the design and retrofitting of steel and concrete structure buildings and industrial structures.

 2- ariantiss company is equipped with all special inspection equipment for retrofitting, such as a rebar scanner, an ultrasonic testing device and a Schmidt hammer, a grinding and welding test measurement device, etc. Therefore, it is not dependent on any laboratory company and can be trusted the calibration of the devices and the moral health of the experts will ensure the results of the inspections of their projects.

 3- Due to its long experience, ariantiss company has experienced and experienced experts with Ph.D and master's degrees in the field of structural retrofit design and implementation, and in addition, it also has executive agents and technicians related to this work.

 4- Due to the long history of the company, the retrofitting plans prepared in this company are very mature and practical, have high efficiency and economic efficiency, and when a structure is strengthened and retrofitted with the methods provided by this company they will have the highest level of performance.

 5- Due to facing all kinds of retrofitting projects in the country, this company has a unique style and design in providing implementation details and special retrofitting details and an archive of various methods specific to itself in facing implementation problems in strengthening the structure.

 6- Due to the type of subject matter of the company, which is EPC, which means design and implementation.  Both the design and presentation of retrofitting plans are prepared in the company and its implementation is done by the executive agents of ariantiss.  Therefore, the implementation problems of the work and the methods considered to strengthen the structure are evaluated in the implementation, and in case of any problems during the execution of the work, the defects are immediately fixed and the plans are corrected.

About Us

 In our country, retrofitting companies have recently emerged and by gathering experienced engineers and technicians in this field, they have started designing and implementing retrofitting of structures and buildings in the country. 


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